From BlogAds:
So if you feel so inclined, please help create Blogads' new logo. Beyond a bunch of wires connecting 900 blogs to thousands of advertisers, what is Please write a post describing what you think Blogads is and should be and how our logo might convey this idea. If you aren't a blogger, offer your suggestions in the comments below. Let your designer friends know about our need. Or have at it with your own markers, peacock feathers, jackhammers, neon tube benders, mouse or legos. Please read our legalese and use the form below to send us potential logos. Submissions will close on September 9 and by September 14, we'll post submissions (maybe 100?), excluding off-topic or objectionable ones, and solicit comments on each. (Update: You can make up to ten submissions, though we can't promise to publish them all.) When a winner emerges, we'll pay the winning designer $1000, and send $300 to the blogger who wrote the post that inspired or referred the winner, subject to the legal boiler-plate.
So make a logo and earn money.And maybe you can win $1,000. Just remember where to send the $300 "inspiration/referral" fee.
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