The common failure in Google Adsense and why people don’t make money with the program is the fact that many people don’t understand how to properly use the program. I am going to break this down into two types of blogs.
Blog Type A: The blogs that cater to repeat visitors. (social blogs). Like the one you’re reading.
Blog Type B: The blogs that cater to search engine visitors. (click me blogs) Example: My blogs titled, Blog The Internet, Cessna 172 Aircraft For Sale and Blog Wheels.
If you are running a Blog Type A then you might find that you’re going to have some initial trouble making money with Google Adsense. If your blog is the kind of blog that caters to repeat visors, then soon readers will become immune to Google Adsense ads. Granted, new readers and especially with new readers who don’t know about Adsense, will click on the ads in their first round of visiting the blog. However, soon there after, these readers will quickly discover that Google Adsense really isn’t part of your blog and they’ll realize that they are advertisements and click no more.
If you are running a Blog Type B then you will find that it is easier to make money online with Google Adsense for the fact that your blog caters to search engine traffic and not regular reader traffic. In this kind of blog, you are acting as “Connecting” or “Switch Point” for visitors to get from Point A to Point B.
Thanks GC
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